I write this guide for specific instructions how to create a basic theme Corby for your reference and further Corby to grow more and more themes and more useful .
Since there are many different applications as well as many different ways , but within the limits of anarticle , I just wrote the basic way , but how do improve , you may refer to documents Flash , action script , or the files of the Star theme !
We will discuss on the following titles
- Introduction of the software needed to make theme gt-s6230
- Detailed instructions how Android theme for gt-s5230
- The command necessary to create a theme gt-s5230
1 . The image editing tools :
The main purpose is to make beautiful themes for your phone , so cannot be lack of image editing tools .
You can simply download pictures, icons , ... from the internet or extract files from another theme , however the image or icon to download from the internet is sometimes appropriate resolution should not necessarily have tuning tools edit images .
We have three most common tool is Adobe Photoshop , Corel Draw and Microsoft Publisher . In this article I will not place heavy manual tools , all depend on you know what software to use for the icons ,wallpaper , ... in accordance with preferences .
2 . The reader tools , decompiler , swf file extracrter :
The theme itself will create a completely consume a lot of work as well as your time , so the theme files on the internet search was completed for the star and edit the theme for Corby , then less or more strategies tightening the details we want to help you save dc time and effort but can still have the theme you wanted.
To do this , you must necessarily have the tools to read the file , edit , or extract files flash decompiler was packed into dc *. swf files
In this article I will introduce to you two as their software is good and the easiest to use :
a. Sothink SWF Quicker : this is a powerful tool that can directly edit the file without having to decompiler SWF into FLA file , you can use this software only one I can also create themes for Corby , however, disadvantages of this software is not dc library management process efficiency when compared to Adobe Flash !
b. Flash Decompiler Trillix : this is a decompiler tool , extracter kind of easy to use today , with this tool you can easily convert SWF into FLA files for easy editing , or used to extract the image file swf . FLA files , or convert SWF after the extracted folder is located in the state that day , extract the file name should be fairly stable management . The downside of this software is to convert fscommand2 commands will fail . However, replace the command fails again not too difficult .
3 . FLA file editing tool :
This is the main tool is mentioned in this article.
Corby jobs simple mod theme usually done through the following steps :
- download theme from Star Internet ,
- used to convert Trillix SWF file into FLA
- Use editing tools theme FLA file to file suit Corby
- Publish SWF files back into FLA file and put the phone
To edit the FLA file , you can use many different software , but the best tool to make Corby a theme for Adobe Flash CS3 .
Reason : although easier to use Adobe Flash 8 , Flash 8 but should not support fscommand2 vibration feedback cannot be brought into the theme . Flash CS4 is not necessary.
Create Flash CS3 Corby Theme :
In this section , I will guide detailing how I did the theme Sense For Android Corby . You can do the same to make a theme file you want.
Sense For Android theme , you must first file clock , SWF format Clocks located in the directory , the swf file format or jpg wallpaper in the wallpaper folder , finally the file icon , can regulations jpg or png format .
Android Theme Sense has two parts: one is Gadget, Part 2 is a screenshot .
In this tutorial , I will guide you to the menu . With Gadget, you can do the same , but with little action script has changed. These changes will clearly state in this article .
• How to make Android Menu Sense :
First, you open Adobe Flash CS3
Select Create New > Flash File ( Action Script 2.0)
Then select the Size, selected frame is 240 x 320 pixels > > ok
Select Settings ...
Version: Flash Lite 2.1
Action Script Version: ActionScript 2.0
Skip tick select Compress Movie
Select JPEG Quality is 100 > > OK
Then press Ctr + S , save it and name it Menu .
Next, we will begin working on making wallpaper changer :
Have you prepared any one image , the size is 240x320 for wallpaper . Then drag the image into Adobe Flash CS3 , the program will automatically correct the calibration image is located in the heart . Right-click the background image , select convert to sYmBoLs ... , built into select movie clip > > OK
Looking down the bar properties under the program , click <Instance Name> , then type the following name : wallpaperMovie (note the uppercase letter M ) .
To continue , you press F9 to the table action.
You click on Frame 1 in the Layers tab , then paste this code into the Action script
nextWallpaper function ()
loadMovie ( " " , wallpaperMovie ) ;
+ + interim ;
trace ( interim + . " jpg " ) ;
wallpaperMovie.loadMovie ( theDir + " / wallpapers / " + interim + . " jpg " ) ;
wallLoader.checkLoad.gotoAndPlay (2) ;
doOnLoad function ()
wallpaperMovie.getBytesTotal pctLoaded = () ;
trace ( pctLoaded + " bytes " ) ;
if ( pctLoaded == " -1 " )
nextWallpaperSWF () ;
nextWallpaperSWF function ()
loadMovie ( " " , wallpaperMovie ) ;
trace ( interim + . " swf " ) ;
wallLoader.checkLoad1.gotoAndPlay (2) ;
wallpaperMovie.loadMovie ( theDir + " / wallpapers / " + interim + . " swf " ) ;
doOnLoadSWF function ()
wallpaperMovie.getBytesTotal pctLoaded1 = () ;
trace ( pctLoaded1 + " bytes " ) ;
if ( pctLoaded1 == " -1 " )
interim = " 0 " ;
nextWallpaper () ;
prevWallpaper function ()
loadMovie ( " " , wallpaperMovie ) ;
- interim ;
trace ( interim + . " jpg " ) ;
wallpaperMovie.loadMovie ( theDir + " / wallpapers / " + interim + . " jpg " ) ;
wallLoader.checkLoad.gotoAndPlay (2) ;
setInterval ( this , " time " , 1000) ;
dotime () ;
stop () ;
this._url.slice theDir = (0 , this._url.lastIndexOf ("/"));
var interim ;
interim = 0 ;
nextWallpaper () ;
Go here , you have temporarily finished movie can change the wallpaper , but not the Wallpaper Changer . But the wallpaper changer will be final . Reason : Wallpaper Changer to be on the same task can easily convert paper wall ^ ^ !
Next, we will do the same buttons in menu
Here you need to prepare for the Button icon , each button should have a ~ 2 custom icon you want to choose the effect when clicked.
This activity , first drag the icon you want to do in Flash CS3 . The Android Theme Sense, I do choose Call Logs button first , so I'll drop the icon on the Call Logs .
Then you right click on the Call Logs icon , select Convert to Symbols ... , choose Button > > OK
To continue , click on the button you just created , paste the following code into the action :
on (press )
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 0 " ) ;
fscommand2 ( "set " , " Menu " , 1 , 3 , 0) ;
Then you double click the Call button logs, look up the Layers Tab
you'll have four frames corresponding to four tasks are: Up , Over, Down , Hit .
You right click on Frame Up, choose Copy Frames
Then turn right click on Frame 3 left, select Paste Frames .
To create the effect when clicking on icons , you need to edit in the Down Frame .
In this example , I will turn the icon to the left a little Down Frame .
You can Publish the swf file to test .
You do the same with the other buttons . Part action buttons corresponding to each I will post in Part 3 .
To write the text below each icon , click on the Text Tool icon in the toolbar on the left , or press L, click on the site want to type , then enter your text content .
You note the Properties of Text to manually change the text font in the font you select your phone as follows :
Type of document : Dynamic Text
Selectable : none
After completing 24 Button, you need to adjust to these icons are arranged together , for easy , all you may need to adjust through the Properties tab .
When calibration is complete, you press Shift , turn selected 24 Button, select the text of the note button again . You do, you right-click any one button , choose Convert to Symbols ... , choose Movie Clip > > OK
Then you double-click on the blank frame work to return to the main layer . Select Button Symbols contains 24 newly created , and type in Instant Menu Name is , finally you paste the code instructs the glide back and forth between two tabs in the frame Menu action :
onClipEvent ( mouseDown )
this.startDrag ( false , 0 , 168 , 240 , 168) ;
slideto1 = false ;
slideto2 = false ;
} onClipEvent ( mouseUp )
this.stopDrag () ;
if ( page == 1)
if ( this._x > = 200)
slideto1 = true ;
slideto2 = false ;
slideto1 = false ;
slideto2 = true ;
if ( page == 2)
if ( this._x < = 40)
slideto1 = false ;
slideto2 = true ;
slideto1 = true ;
slideto2 = false ;
} onClipEvent (load )
this._xscale = 200 ;
this._yscale = 200 ;
this._x = 359 ;
this._y = 238 ;
this._alpha = 0 ;
this._visible = false ;
fadein = true ;
} onClipEvent ( enterFrame )
function pop ()
_parent.popupnow = true ;
if ( this._x > 230)
page = 1 ;
if ( this._x < = 10)
page = 2 ;
if ( slideto1 )
if ( this._x < 239)
slidespeed = 240 - this._x ;
this._x = this._x + slidespeed / 2 ;
if ( this._x > 240)
this._x = 240 ;
slideto1 = false ;
if ( slideto2 )
if ( this._x > 0)
slidespeed = this._x ;
this._x = this._x - slidespeed / 2 ;
if ( this._x < 0)
this._x = 0 ;
slideto2 = false ;
if ( fadeout )
this._xscale = this._xscale + 10 ;
this._yscale = this._yscale + 10 ;
this._x = this._x + 12 ;
this._y = this._y + 7 ;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 15 ;
if ( this._alpha < 10)
this._visible = false ;
if ( fadein )
this._visible = true ;
this._xscale = this._xscale - 20 ;
this._yscale = this._yscale - 20 ;
this._x = this._x - 24 ;
this._y = this._y - 14 ;
this._alpha this._alpha + = 20;
if ( this._alpha > 99)
fadein = false ;
if ( fadeout2 )
this._xscale = this._xscale + 10 ;
this._yscale = this._yscale + 10 ;
this._x = this._x - 12 ;
this._y = this._y + 7 ;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 15 ;
if ( this._alpha < 10)
this._visible = false ;
You can export to swf file to test , some cases may be encountered after the SWF file output will show 24 Button lies not in place as FLA file , you now need to go back to Flash CS3 , double click on the Symbols menu to the framework , need to adjust the position of the Button . If the calibration problems, and you can select all Buttin ( press Ctrl + A ) then look down the Properties tab , will see two lines of X , Y , respectively , type the following parameters :
X : -245.9
Y : -132.1
This is thought to be their optimal number , but sometimes not accurate, so you need to change X and Y value
Come complete menu temporarily . Next we will proceed to the bottom third of the Menu Button , 3 Button will stand still when we pass so it will not in the same group with the other buttons .
To get started , you drag and drop images into Flash CS3 3 Button , calibration to the appropriate location , and create similar buttons in the Menu Button 24
The next section is the Status bar at the top menu , with waves , battery and clock information , this is complicated with many layers stacked on top of each other , so easy to manipulate, you can copy the 2 Symbols I have made available :
Status bar when this is done , we again began work on Wallpaper Changer
You need to prepare an icon to open the wallpaper changer , two small red icon , a small yellow icon , a small blue icons , arrows and OK button back .
To get started , you drag and drop the icon next to Flash CS3 : Icon changer open the wall and two small red icon :
3 Continue on the subject , right click , select
Symbols Convert To ... , select Movie Clip > > OK
Then you type in the Name of Instant Symbols are: wallLoader
Note: L capitalization .
Continue to double click Symbols to the work area of Symbols .
Symbols in the workspace , click on Frame 1 , then type in the following action :
stop () ;
Next, you convert the Button Icon Wallpaper changer and type the following action for this Button :
on (release )
play () ;
Continue to convert two red icon with Instant Movie Name checkLoad and checkLoad1 respectively .
Symbols checkLoad double click , then type the following action on Frame 1 :
stop () ;
Continue to create in sYmBoLs checkLoad Frame 2 , enter the following action :
this._parent.theWallButton._x = " 500 " ;
this._parent.theWallButton1._x = " 500 " ;
Create Frame 3 and Frame 4 , in which you place the red icon the yellow icon
Create Frame 5 , with the following action :
_parent._parent.doOnLoad () ;
_parent.theWallButton._x = " 80.1 " ;
_parent.theWallButton1._x = " -80.1 " ;
gotoAndStop (1) ;
Then double-click the blank area to return to work wallLoader Symbols
Continuing double-click on the Symbol checkLoad1 to the work area of this symbol . Do the same as the symbol checkLoad , but Frame 3 and 4 instead of a yellow icon of a blue icon :
Then, double-click the blank area to return to work wallLoader symbol .
In wallLoader symbol , you create Frame 2 with the following action :
stop () ;
In Frame 2 , you drag the arrow icon on the third crossing and the OK button , then convert this into 3 Button icons
The last to do is type in the action corresponding to the three buttons above .
With Button Previous :
on (release )
platform.touch_sound () ;
this._parent.prevWallpaper () ;
Next Button :
on (release )
platform.touch_sound () ;
this._parent.nextWallpaper () ;
OK Button :
on (release )
gotoAndStop (1) ;
So the menu is complete, you can export SWF files to check their results .
Note: you need a file folder containing wallpapers wallpapers jpg or swf format is the same with the output file Menu.swf be able to see the wallpaper.
If in trouble , you can refer to two file attachments Gadget.FLA and Menu.FLA this article.
1) The Action Script in the menu :
Vibration feedback :
Code :
fscommand2 ( "set " , " Menu " , 1 , 3 , 0) ;
Call Logs:
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 0 " ) ;
Photo Contact:
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " Menu 1 " ) ;
Music Player:
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " Menu 2 " ) ;
Internet Browser :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 3 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 4 " ) ;
My files
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 5 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 6 " ) ;
Call Logs:
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 0 " ) ;
Photo Contact:
fscommand ( " launch " , " Menu 1 " ) ;
Music Player:
fscommand ( " launch " , " Menu 2 " ) ;
Internet Browser :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 3 " ) ;
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 4 " ) ;
My files
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 5 " ) ;
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 6 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 7 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " Menu 8 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 9 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 10 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 11 " ) ;
Find music
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 12 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 13 " ) ;
Fm radio
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 14 " ) ;
Game and more
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 15 " ) ;
Voice recorder
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 16 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 17 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 18 " ) ;
RSS reader
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 19 " ) ;
World Clock
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 20 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 21 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 22 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 23 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 24 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 25 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 26 " ) ;
Stop watch
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 27 " ) ;
Sim at
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 28 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 36 " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 37 " ) ;
Back to Gadget
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , "Menu , 38 " ) ;
2 . The Action Script in the Gadget :
Vibration feedback :
Code :
fscommand2 ( "Set " , " idle " , " 1 " , " 2 " , " 0 " ) ;
Menu :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , 3 " ) ;
Keypad :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , 1 " ) ;
Contacts :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , 2 " ) ;
Games and more :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle game " ) ;
Write message :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , msgComposer " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , msgInbox " ) ;
Bluetooth :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , bluetooth " ) ;
Alarm :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , alarm " ) ;
Photo :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , photo " ) ;
Computer :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , calculator " ) ;
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , clendar " ) ;
Profile :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , profile ) ;
Youtube :
Code :
fscommand ( " launch " , " idle , youtube " ) ;
Finally, the action helped drag icon (similar theme in Android sixTheme V2 ) :
Code :
onClipEvent ( mouseDown ){ this.startDrag ( false , a, b , c , d ) ;}onClipEvent ( mouseUp ){ this.stopDrag () ;}
In it, a, b , c , d is the number that varies according to the area you want to be allowed to drag and drop icons .
Note: just drag and drop the action done with a Movie Clip Symbols . With Button Symbols are the ko dc content of this action.
Download two files for your reference
T o Enter into the patch menu follow these steps
1. Switch on your phone while pressing the 'Lock' button and once your screen lights up continue pressing the lock button (You can let go of the power button now.)
2. Now a screen will appear with 4 options,
3. note that your touch screen will not take inputs once you are in this screen, so the buttons to navigate are as follows
up - up volume button
down - down volume button
Enter - camera button
Answer call button - acts as a left soft key (to select the options above it)
Back button - acts as the right soft key
Lock key - saves the settings
In the first option of the menu (Patch menu) you can turn on or off any patch you want.
The following is the explanation of each and every patch function
Note that i have already attached a rc2 file along with this and the following explanation is in accordance with that
I will soon update the following 20 patch rc2 file to the 33 patch one in a day(With explanations for the 33 patch one)
1. Master Patch v1.0 (This is the base patch...do not un-select it )
2. Calculator - check this option when You have added a swf file of a calculator in the Res folder in your phone memory (the name of the swf file must be calculator.swf)
3. ChangeJavaToMMC - check this option if you want to save your games in your memory card rather than your precious phone memory :yahoo:
First create a folder named Java in your memory card and then check this option,
While rebooting after changing this option,you will not have any games.
so now go ahead and intall as many games in your memory card
(caution : Game loading times and gameplay is slower when compared to the games when they're in the phones memory. for example rock band game is slower than it is played on phone memory :crap:)
4. Change KJxDispatch.in - In certain gadget.swf (mostly the russian ones) you have icons for opera mini and di chat and also a MusicODP (all these java apps are in the locked games folder incase you didnt know...These can be viewed by tk file explorer)
And links between the Gadget.swf and java can only be made by adding a KJxDispatch.inI file in EXE/JAVA in your phone using tkfile explorer.
http://depositfiles.com/en/files/v8smma3wz for a sample of this file.
Leaving this Option turned on will allow the gadget to connect java applications Provided the KJxDispatch.inI is placed in the phones memory under exe/java
5. Change swf v1.0 - This will read the following files from the Res folder
'gadget.swf' 'menu.swf' and 'MyFiles.swf' (if you get a white screen on the idle screen you have done something wrong with these 3 files,check if their name's wrong'
6. CheckSignOff - this option removes the question "The content is not signed. Continue?" while installing java-applications.
7. DeleteJavaPopup - The patch removes the requests in java apps like 'Allow xxx to access the intenet' 'allow xxx to read phone memory' where xxx is the name of the application :drinks:
Be carefull with applications you do not trust,they may send sms'es without your knowledge with this option turned on.
8. Delete Sthumb.tdb - Ever got irritated with the 'Sthumb.tdb' that cannot be deleted and is created after you disconnect your phone from your pc?, well checking this option will remove it
9. EasyAdminMenu - This changes the code to enter the admin menu as * # 3333 # and the password is 1111 for every locked menu
10. FlashPlayer - With this option you can play swf games on your mobile easily
You just have to create a Swf file named FlashPlayer.swf which can connect many other swf files and have the games as 1.swf 2.swf 3.swf etc and put all these files in the Res folder
Here's the link for the files and the steps to use the flash player :drinks:
[The Flashplayer can be accessed by opening the help widget and by selecting any option there]
Keep in mind the resolution swf file you paste here shouldnt be greater than 600x430
11. Font - You can now change fonts :yahoo: first of all download some fonts (I'd suggest http://www.dafont.com/ or http://www.1001freefonts.com/)
You can even get the fonts from your windows folder (if you're using xp go to Fonts under windows folder in your hard disk)
And in your phone's memory,
in the 'Res' folder,create a folder called 'font'
and paste a single font file (with the extension .tff) you wanna use in it.
now copy that file 4 times in that folder itself,
and rename the 4files as below,
[Phone Memory-> Res -> Font->(these four files)
And this should work like a charm
12. Google to Opera - Certain menu.swf files usually have an option of opera mini in them,
but that button seems to be broken. with this option you can access opera mini easily
13. JavaLcdOff - Normally when you play java games or use applications, the backlight wont turn off,it only dimmers. with this optionit will switch of in the time you set in the display settings
14. KeyLockVib - When you lock/unlock your buttons by pressing the key lock button,you get a small vibration notification
15. LowBatRestrictOff - this will remove the restriction to use java,music player or bluetooth etc. When you run on reserve power.
16. MainMenu_Preview - Here again i dont know what this is for,i will let you know once i experiment what its for.
17. Mega_change_SWF - this is an option to Change swf's for every part of your phone..
including alarms,calendar,worldclock,calcutator,music player bluetooth and almost everything.
download from http://depositfiles.com/en/files/cvdoo0v4s this link will give you the folder called 'Flash'
Put this in your Res folder in phone memory.
In this flash folder there are many other folders containing the swf files.
These swf files are the files from the original firmware.
and this can be edited by you however you want(use trillix flash decompiler or sothink or Adobe Flash to edit
If you have Mega_change_SWF patch turned on, take care that calculator,change swf v1.0 is unselected
18. MutePowerSave - this option stops the annoying vibration and the sound alert when your battery is low.
19. VibOnCall - With this option,When you call someone,it will give a vibration when the other person has acceptedf your call..no need to look at the screen always
20. VideoSizeLarge - with this option your phone can play videos of resolution 400x240